Booking form

We are so happy you are joining us on this wonderful retreat. Please fill out the form below. We will confirm your booking as soon as possible.

To make your registration final, you must transfer € 100.00 per person immediately upon registration to account NL80 INGB 0631 2543 07 in the name of. A. Braun. Before February 15, 2022 you must transfer 40% of the total price and before April 15, 2022 the remainder of the total price must be on the same account. The trip can no longer be canceled from March 1, 2022. We advise you to take a cancellation insurance yourself in case of calamities. The trip will take place with a minimum of 7 final participants, as soon as this number has been reached we will inform you. So wait with booking any plane/train tickets etc. until this number has been reached. If we do not reach this number before April 1, 2022, we will refund your deposit.